Joint undergrAduate coUrses for smart eNergy managemenT sYstems (JAUNTY)
Smart5Grid introduces an open 5G experimental facility, supporting integration, testing and validation of existing and...
The project promotes state-of-the art technologies to enhance the exploitation/capacity/efficiency of transmission grid assets, either...
The RESPOND-A project aims at developing holistic and easy-to-use solutions for First Responders by bringing...
EnergyShield captures the needs of Electrical Power and Energy System (EPES) operators and combines the...
FLEXITRANSTORE (An Integrated Platform for Increased FLEXIbility in smart TRANSmission grids with STORage Entities and...
INTERRFACE (TSO-DSO-Consumer INTERFACE aRchitecture to provide innovative grid services for an efficient power system) With the...