27 November 2019, Gaborone.
For the first time since the start of project MC 5.10/15 B Support to Southern African states in Nuclear Safety and Safeguards, a joint meeting of the project participating countries and of SADC’s Nuclear Regulators Network was attended by representatives of SADC Secretariat and the government of Botswana. Convened by ISTC in Gaborone, just a few days after the decision for an extension of the duration of the project, the meeting took stock of its achievements and allowed deliberations about regional collaboration in harmonising national legislations and strengthening the capacity of specialised authorities responsible for radiation protection, transportation of radioactive materials and building a nuclear safety, security and safeguard architecture.
The meeting participants discussed the benefits from the project’s Information Tracking System for the nuclear regulators in SADC member states. The CEO of Software Company Ltd. Nikolay Palov answered questions pertaining to the security of sharing information via the ITS, the system’s unique features and the possibility for expanding it to more countries. An upcoming training in Livingstone on basic radiation protection, nuclear safety and security principle and the use of the ITS was also discussed.